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Business Continuity - Small cafe
July 30, 2024

Ensuring Business Continuity: The Importance of Backup Internet Solutions



In today’s business world, maintaining a consistent internet connection is mandatory. There are just too many aspects of operating a business that require 24/7 connectivity. Providing customer service, operating business apps, maintaining ongoing connectivity within the business—the list goes on and on.

A service outage can cost your organization money and time, not to mention potentially leading to a damaged reputation. Fortunately, with a wireless internet backup, your company can keep operating throughout an outage. As one of our internet options for businesses, you can take advantage of a wireless internet backup solution to maintain high-speed internet no matter what happens.

Dangers of Internet Outages for Businesses

All internet infrastructure is prone to outages. Ideally, they don’t happen often. But they do happen, just like power outages, phone outages, and other types of service interruptions. Losing internet for businesses can cause a variety of problems, including:

Poor Customer Service Experience

One of the keys to maintaining a strong customer base is providing predictable, comprehensive customer service. How your business does this might vary from others depending on your industry, but there is no doubt that you want to be there for your customers when they need you. However, if the internet goes down and your communication channels go down with it, it becomes impossible to provide great customer service.

If you want customers to be able to get the customer service they need when they need it, you need a consistent internet connection.

Damage to Reputation

Customers don’t necessarily know you are experiencing an internet outage. Even if you can communicate that fact to them, they may not be very understanding of the problem. To them, you are a business and you should prioritize their needs. That’s true whether they need customer service help, want to place an order, or need to get in contact with you for some other reason.

If your business is unavailable, even for a perfectly valid reason like an internet outage, it can damage the reputation of your business. If it happens several times to the same customer, they might never come back around to trusting your business again.

Cost Your Business Money

When customers can’t depend on your business to be available, they will go elsewhere. That’s true for all types of businesses. The more damage your reputation sustains, the more customers will flee and tell others about their experiences. That will lead to lost revenue which can be hard to get back.

Service interruptions also make it hard for you and your employees to get work done predictably. If the internet goes out and you can’t access data, use apps, communicate with team members, contact customers, and so on, you are going to lose money.

What is a Backup Internet Provider?

A backup internet provider offers specialized services to ensure ongoing internet connectivity. There are two primary ways you can get a reliable backup internet connection—by maintaining an additional wired connection or by purchasing access to a wireless internet backup.

Maintaining a wired connection is not always cost-effective for small businesses because it requires paying full price for a wired connection, either from your current provider or an additional provider.

We recommend a wireless internet backup for most businesses because it is more economical and is sufficient for most needs. Our backup internet for businesses is a secure 4G LTE connection with an optional battery backup. It’s plenty to keep your business online and connect with customers while any internet outage is repaired.

How Reliable is a Backup Internet Connection?

A backup internet connection is extremely reliable because it operates wirelessly. Many times internet outages occur with wired connections due to physical issues, such as construction or severe weather. If something causes a line to be cut, it’s going to take some time to repair the line. But wireless backups don’t have wires to cut. That makes them much more reliable and an ideal choice for your business.

Is a Backup Internet Connection Worth the Cost?

Backup internet connections are worth the cost for most businesses. They are more affordable than maintaining another wired connection. The wireless connection doesn’t use a lot of data because it’s a backup, so the costs of maintaining the connection for us as your provider are less. That makes it easy for us to offer a reasonable price to ensure you have a reliable backup 24/7.

Learn More About Wireless Internet Backups

Your business deserves the peace of mind that comes from having a wireless internet backup. Let us help you protect your reputation and your bottom line!

Don’t let your business stop just because of an outage, stay connected 24/7 with reliable backup internet services from WoW! Business.